In the beginning, God created heaven and the earth. Next, He created mom's basement, a monkey, and a keyboard. Everything else is history.
Version 1.0
Being young, wild, and free comes with a cost, because besides WordPress, we had to spend time coding Joomla, Prestashop, and Drupal projects. Yeah, never again. Gladly, first relationships are not meant to last, just like Internet Explorer.
Version 2.0
We understood that to be very good at something, you can't jump between technologies like Kim Kardashian does between boyfriends. So, we decided to focus mainly on WordPress and JavaScript frameworks. The goal was to become better every day; it wasn't a New Year's resolution but a lifestyle.
Version 3.0
We started from the bottom, now we're here, just like Bitcoin or Drake. There is a new family member, Laravel. Meanwhile, we are still going strong with WordPress and JavaScript frameworks (Vue/React). Simply put, the boys turned into men, which means the more we learn, the less we know.
Full-stack developer are you interested in becoming a baller?